The world is facing an engagement crisis, where employees are leaving their companies at historic rates. It’s expensive, and firms are losing
their collective intelligence and all that tribal knowledge as the hard-to-find talent continues to walk out the door. Manufacturing has been suffering from the difficulty of attracting top, young talent and this has been going on long before Covid hit. So, why is this happening? How do we attract, engage,
and even more critical retain top talent?
Adam Kingl is an author, keynote speaker, academic and consultant. He is here to discuss solutions to the manufacturing skills gap crisis.
Twitter: @adam_kingl
Buy the Book: Next Generation Leadership
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Michelle Segrest has created and branded editorial content for the processing industries since 2008. Contact her at [email protected] She is the author of the 3-volume book series “Modern Manufacturing” which features more than 30 real-world stories of industry champions and how they are using big data and innovative processes to build the factory of the future.
Resources and Links:
Factory of the Future Podcast
Build the Factory of the Future
Bionics Drive Factory Automation
The Future of IIoT
Augmented Reality
Modern Manufacturing Book Series
Contact Michelle about being a guest on a future episode of this Podcast.
Music: Powerwalkin’ by Future Joust
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