Recorded by @lezzerquest for Faire Mauvais Genre at @quanticaonline.
FMG is presenting you with some quarantine Wackos <3
LEZZER QUEST is the Glasgow-based DJ duo of Bonzai Bonner and Anna Gram (@anna-gram). While they typically perform together, they have each submitted a mini 30 minute mix from isolation. Stay home, stay safe.
LEZZER QUEST is the hyperactive, slightly dysfunctional love child of Bonzai Bonner, the creator of Glasgow's hugely popular queer party; Shoot Your Shot, and Anna Gram, a long standing SYS resident.
LEZZER QUEST have been regular guests at many of Scotland's most revered venues over the past few years, earning them a spot in The List's Hot 100 of 2019, and a place on the Sub Club's roster of residents. They hosted the club's first ever Pride party last year, and have played alongside some of the scene's biggest names including Eris Drew, Octo Octa, Cormac, and The Black Madonna.
Best known for their 'anything goes' sets and vibrant energy, LEZZER QUEST strive to bring positivity and inclusivity to the dance floor and beyond.