Our HLP spotlight shines in our season finale on Virginia's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. James Lane. Dr. Lane has been incredibly busy helping guide the Commonwealth's education response to the coronavirus pandemic, but was generous enough to give us some time and end our first season on a high, hopeful note!
Our topics included critical thinking, excellence, the job of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, impact trade-offs, what does and doesn't worry him about the resiliency of our students when we return to school in fall, how happiness isn't based on the things you have or the accolades you receive, the best part of the job, what he would have done different at the beginning of the pandemic, how to work with people who disagree with you and what is keeping him hopeful during the pandemic.
Thank you for joining us, Dr. Lane!
Special Thanks: Charlie Pyle and Maggie Clemmons
Support Henrico Families During Covid-19: https://henricogives.org/covid19/
Dr. James F. Lane: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/about/superintendent/index.shtml
Student-Moderated Website: sites.google.com/henrico.k12.va.us/fairfieldforum/home
Fairfield Middle School: fairfield.henricoschools.us/
Original Artwork: 7th Graders Nevaeh and Shayla
Artwork Digitized at Highland Springs High School by Tiana