In this faith call, we reflect upon the values we aim and hope for Thank God, It's Faith to add within this community. We also get to embrace how this platform had consistently inspired the growth of our relationship with God, thus far! :)
And as Thank God, It's Faith seeks to be more intentional in fulfilling its seemingly unclear yet Spirit-driven purpose, we humbly gave ourselves permission to dream some more! We've set ourselves free to wonder and muse upon possibilities by which this platform may be used, in humble service to God.
We don't know exactly where we're going with this. Or where we're supposed to go from here. Or whether it was even right to have started. Along with our worries, our fears, and our doubts we'll continue to move forward. For in and beyond all our questions, what we know for sure is that faith called us here. All we're doing is answering back.
Thank you in advance for answering this faith call!
As always you're very welcome to listen in and if you're being urged by the Spirit to do so, do share with us your stories as well! Comment, message~ game kami to converse with you as well!
With you in creating more space for the Spirit,
Riana, Jezza, Lei <3