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This is our 20's, i guess were fucked.
Today we discuss our issues with mental health, our coping mechanisms and whats going on in our lives the effect it today.
Please don’t find offense in the way we laugh at serious situation. We’re assholes. it’s how we cope.
We discuss what we've been up to the past month, things that have come to our attention more and more as he head off into a new decade.
Today we were too hungover to give y'all any good content, but we tried our best. Our best sucks.
This episode we take on the heavy topic of sexual assault. Our stories, getting through and moving on with life after.
Does mention sexual violence and rape.
This week we talk about The Occult, Modern Day Witch Covens, and haunted ass places in Washington State.
We dye Savannah's hair and chit chat about our lives this week.
Today we discuss social media, how its affected us, why we love or hate it and how we feel it influences society as a whole.
First episode of season 2, discussing our lives over the hiatus and Savannah's new found dating life.
End of Season 1.
We reflect on our journey as podcasters and touch on topics we didn't have the opportunity to talk about before.
This will be the last episode until October 4th.
The podcast currently has 25 episodes available.