Follow along as we explore some breadcrumbs left by God in the scripture for an amazing story of triumph and COMPLETE victory!
Some of the verses we will reference.
Psalms 16 and Acts 2:25-32 David explaining how God will not leave Jesus soul in Hell or the Grave.
Luke 23:43 where Jesus states he is going to the temporary place called Paradise or Purgatory to close it down with a shout of triumph! Taking the old testament saints HOME!!
1 Peter 3:18-20 and Collosians 2:15 describes how Jesus gloated over those in Hell
Epheians 4 How he led the saints out
Three battle gounds for the arch rivals God and Satan-- God's Home Isaiah 14:12-15 Neutral Earth Garden of Eden and the Cross and Finally in Hell on Satan's ground Revelation 1:18
Finally we see the loving Jesus stop to minister to a troubled Mary at the empty tomb! John 20:17
Come enjoy the journey through the Holy Word of God
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