大家好,hello,this is fantastic Chinese, I'm doing my program few episode, thank you for you guys support,我做这个节目有几期了,谢谢大家的支持,今天我给大家带来的句子也很重要,是一些当你的汉语水平还不是很好的时候会用到的。 Today I'm bring the sentences it's very crucial, when you talk with a native Chinese speaker, they speaks fast, and you couldn't follow them, what will you say? Could you speak slower? when you could speak out, you must be solve some problem on your Communication. (外)你能说慢一点吗?你能再说一遍吗? 我不明白,不好意思。好的,开始今天的内容吧,
First one 这是什么意思? What does this mean? You could point somewhere or some item, let your partner explains them for you. For example, 这墙上的字是什么意思?
(儿)我也不知道,我刚上一年级,我也不明白, what does this means on this wall,
(儿)I didn't know too, I'm Just a doolie. haha. do not ask questions to a Grand one, even though they was just graduated from kindergarten. 这是什么意思?
Second one 我明白。 I understand。为什么你不也不认识墙上的字?
哦,我明白了。why don’t you know these words?
(儿)i’m first day go to School, it is not started yet.
wow,I understand.我明白,我明白了。
Third one能请你再说一遍吗? Could you please repeat that?
Could you please repeat that?
don’t to late to use phone, it’s not good for your phone.能请你再说一遍吗?
Number four,请你说慢一点,好吗? Could you please speak more slowly?
Number five这个怎么发音? How do you pronounce this?
这个怎么发音? It's very useful sentence to learn Chinese characters。这个怎么发音?
Number six你明白吗? Do you understand? No need to explain, just for confirm something.
Number seven我不明白。 I don't understand。
我不明白。 Wow what’s pit.
the last one 你会说汉语吗?你会说英语吗? Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?你会说德语吗?你会说意大利语吗? That's a last Hope for a expats. while you really can’t describe or ask something.don’t worry. you can try to speak your Chinese if you were China, no matter you speak well or not. body language would helps us get your meaning.
I hope you guys have some fun in my program. Take it easy Learning Chinese takes time, and Lee will always be here.