Well no matter where you are on your SOR journey, I think you will find today’s topic really helpful. What I am about to share can have a HUGE influence on the instructional practises in your classroom….plus today’s freebie is gold, so make sure you get a hold of it on our podcast web webpage.
Research examining different instructional materials and methods in reading has often identified the "teacher variable" as a critical factor in effective instruction. Even though teachers may choose to use resources aligned to the Science of Reading, it is you, the teacher, that can have the greatest impact. So today’s topic, ‘responding to oral reading errors’ is about recognizing your key role in effective reading instruction and equipping you with response strategies that align with the science of reading. The way you respond to errors may influence the way your students learn to read. So, as you can see, it’s pretty important topic that we are discussing today.
Now, you may have seen those charts with common reading strategies for children that have 10 different characters to help them if they get stuck on a word... like Skippy Frog, Eagle Eye, Tryin’ Lion…. You may even have one on your wall, that’s ok, this is a judgement free zone, but here’s my advice - throw it in the bin! These strategies are not evidence based and can actually have detrimental effects on reading. Not only are there so many to learn (cognitive overload) but they are based on the debunked methodology of the 3 Cueing system.
We need students to decode words and crack the alphabetic code, not skip words, look at pictures or take a wild guess.
So what a teacher says and directs students to do, heavily influences the way they learn to read.
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