Figures and Appendices
Figure 1: Relative Sizes of the Hindenburg, Graf Zeppelin, HMA R.101, and USS AkronFigure 2: Inside His Majesty’s Airship R.101Figure 3: R.101’s Proposed Route to IndiaFigure 4: The Mooring Tower at the Royal Airship WorksFigure 5: Route of R.101 on its First Flight over LondonFigure 6: The First Forty-Five Minutes of R.101’s Final FlightFigure 7: Route of R.101’s Final FlightAppendix A: British Passenger Airships Prior to R.100 and R.101Appendix B: Passenger and Crew on Board R.101’s Flight to IndiaAppendix C: Flight of HM Airship R.101 to India: Notes for Press UseAppendix D: Report on Flight in the Graf Zeppelin and Visit to Friedrichshafen by Lieutenant-Colonel V. C. Richmond and Squadron Leader F. M. RopeAppendix E: Manufacture of the Gas Bags of R.101Appendix F: Colmore Report on R.101’s Lift November 1929