It’s been a minute since I checked in, but I was struggling with a follow up. I felt so vulnerable and exposed after the fact that I somehow couldn’t do it again, but I think this is so important that I don’t want to walk away, so here I am again... I wanted to start to explore the puzzle that is me and my life as it is, what’s happened and why, what I’ve come to know and accept. I don’t have answers yet, maybe I never will, but I know that not having a father had a huge impact on me in ways that probably changed the course of my life for better or worse. There’s so much I just don’t know or get and so much I do. This is just a start to the self exploration of what has become of me. Where are those missing pieces in my puzzle because of my fatherlessness experience and how do I move on from here. Can I even? Hope you can stick with me for the ride. Hope I can help you, too. May we all be blessed. May we all be heard. May we all be loved. May we all be equal.