The sinner's prayer is relatively a new way to count and measure the success of religion. Long before the sinner's prayer, church membership was the way of numbering the saints. The early church did neither. If repeating the sinner's prayer nor the church membership is not the aim, then what hope do we have?
Our hope is God. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit agree that coming into awareness of who we are in Them is the aim. When we hear the witness of Holy Spirit tell us we have received Father's Adoption in our union in the Son, we will cry "Abba, Father".
That is Adoption Day! We are told by God who we are in Him.
Bonus Tip: If you have never heard Holy Spirit witness to you about who you are, secret place is the perfect place to go to listen. Get alone with no distractions and ask Jesus if He is in you. You will hear His response , "I Am!". Holy Spirit will testify what the Son said. At that day you will know the Son is in the Father, and you are in the Son, and the Son is in you. Adoption Day!
This podcast is John Moore and Cindy Maxey sitting at a table talking about Adoption Day.
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