Why life is like a garden path and how it relates to NLP
▶️ We are all heading in some kind of direction Even if we are not intentional about the direction we are heading in, we are still walking a path. Life takes us down windy paths, down straight paths and we are always moving in some direction.
▶️ There will be setbacks along the way In life whether we are intentional or not there will be setbacks along the way and things that stop us, hold us back in some ways and limit us and our potential.
▶️ We can use NLP tools to support us to clear the way When we experience challenges along the way. Gates along the garden path, leaves that fall on and need sweeping away to allow us to continue to walk.
We can use the NLP tools to support ourselves to keep clearing the way for us to continue walking.
Read the full article here - https://yesicanmethod.com/why-life-is-like-a-garden-path-and-how-it-relates-to-nlp/
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