For a good portion of Kevin McCulloch's (@floatingstl)? life he had wandered a path both outside of his awareness and unmarked by the signals of his own internal wisdom. The idea of intuition was largely unfamiliar and instead he unknowingly invested in a non-feeling existence which led to a dull sense of ache and emptiness. However this numbed feeling became familiar and thus went largely unnoticed. In the summer of 2007 while living in Prague, Czech Republic and working in Baku, Azerbaijan he was graced with a painful and terrifying experience forever altering his perception of existence. This event and the healing recovery period that followed realigned Kevin’s spirit to connect with a deeper knowing which he strives to resource in his current daily practice.
Shifting from a strategy of competition, acquisition, and power as a business consultant to one of service, compassion, and love, Kevin directed his path to becoming a psychotherapist focused on mindfulness, meditation, and healing. When Kevin found floating, or floating found Kevin, he was reminded and returned to this experience of deep knowing, clarity, and truth.
Along with his business partner Jacob Resch, Kevin owns and operates FLOAT STL ( Together they have also created and run the annual St. Louis located Rise Float Gathering ( and are current Board Members and serve as President of the Float Conference ( Additionally, Kevin is an advisor and business partner to Third Wave Magazine (
Kevin also provides coaching services to highly motivated professionals to help them create a life of meaning, satisfaction, and joy that complements their business success. He is passionate about utilizing a balance of space and structure to create environments which support connection, healing, and growth. Kevin values learning, love, congruency, creativity, connection, and inspiration.
Kevin lives with his wife Arathi in the Cortex District of the Central West End with their two dogs Bowie and Django.
Promo Code for $10 off first float: Remy923