This episode is devoted to September's National Suicide Prevention/Awareness Month. In this episode Courtnee will be having a raw and vulnerable conversation with her long time friend Raymeesha. Raymeesha is a military veteran, widow, wife, and mother of 6. This episode is personally to both of us in different ways but we are advocates in giving this topic a voice when so many want to silence the topic.
This episode will be a discussion about suicide and the aftermath of suicide. We understand that this is a sensitive subject and could potentially be emotionally triggering. This discussion is also an important topic that affects thousands of lives yearly in the United States and millions of lives globally.
In this episode, Courtnee talks to Raymeesha about the suicide of her late husband in 2013. She is honest and open about the events leading up to the loss of her husband and the emotional roller coaster their family experienced on that day and years following. Raymessha talks about the wide array of emotions she experienced over the last 9 years, how she and her family health with grief and the continued healing journey they walk daily.
Raymeesha shares why she has decided to share her families story with others and gives advice to anyone who will or has recently lost someone to suicide. Raymessha's story is her story, it's not not a guide for others, it's a story of grief and resilience that we hope others can find hope in.
Suicide is a topic that people are reluctant if not unwilling to talk about in our society. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or experiencing mental health related distress there is help available. Call or text 988 to be connected with a trained crisis counselor. 988 is confidential, free and available 24/7/365.
Thank you again for supporting the Fearlessly Inspired Podcast. We would love to hear your story or feedback on this or any episode. You can reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram at Fearlessly Inspired Society. Finally, if you know someone who would benefit from hearing this episode please share it with them. You never know whose life you could be saving.