On this weeks call, two questions had everyone chiming in! The first is: 1. I keep attracting crazy partners and I don’t know why, and; 2. The partners I’m calling in are not emotionally available and just want sex.
This applies to ALL that you attract in your life whether it’s a partner, client, experience, etc. plug in what you’re attracting to see it through your own frame. This also applies to the success, pleasure, excitement that you attract too. What you attract AS the attractor. What you say yes to and no to is your choice. 🙏
I’m excited for this episode.
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If you’re new here, thank you for dropping in! Through these short episodes, I share what I intuitively feel listeners need to here during this time and space ; whether it’s my own teachings or through calls— trusting it supports.
To book a 1:1 in-person session while here in the local area of New York : schedule a call here https://Www.calendly.com/brittanymondido
Or email [email protected] to schedule a session.
Blessings to and through you. 🙏
I love you.