Paul Wexler, M.D., is hesitant to say when he went to medical school, but he will tell you that he began before the correct number of chromosomes had been discovered in humans. Through his illustrious career, Dr. Wexler has performed tens of thousands of abdominal diagnostic procedures and expanded the application of ultrasound technology in obstetrics. In 1980, he opened the Rose Medical Center Prenatal Diagnosis Program in Denver, CO. In this episode, Calisse and Dr. Wexler discuss DNA storage, "ethnic screening," the use of genetics in cancer detection, and genetic deficiencies or disorders that can be eradicated from one's future lineage by testing embryos. Dr. Wexler explains why CRISPR is exciting for the possibilities it holds, while admitting that many people in the scientific community often get too excited about "what's possible rather than what we should do." You'll also hear from Dr. Wexler's son and CFO of Genassist, Keith Wexler, who joins the conversation to discuss insurance coverage, eases the eugenics fears depicted in films like Gattaca, and explains why it's important to know and document your family's genetic history.
Dr. Wexler is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and a Clinical Professor in the Division of Genetics/The Department of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and The Children's Hospital. Dr. Wexler is also the Medical Director of the first female-owned genetics company, Genassist, founded by Dr. Wexler's wife, Hildegarde.