Update: Oct 29/12: Downloading is now available for this tune. Thanks for listening.
I been composing tunes in the last couple of weeks, and a couple in Ireland have been helping out in recording them. They are called Dulahan Ireland. We are "friends" online through TradConnect.com.
Their ability to play so well a new tune astounds me at the least.. I have not tried these tunes at this pace, about 160BPM in 12/8 time which is the dotted 1/4 note gets the beat.
The tunes are slides, and I have one more coming which is Carpenter Bill which is a double jig in 6/8.
I have not allowed downloading at this time until I get permission from them to do so. It's my song yes, but it is their performance. So keep checking.
Comments on the structure of the tune is welcomed. I don't think you will have a problem with their performances.
Enjoy: AJ