This is the first of a two-part episode of Alyssa Mouraske's story. Alyssa grew up as a pastor's kid, attended Christian school, chose a career in ministry, and then became a mom. Life as a new mom was faced with many challenges as her son is diagnosed with a genetic disorder. Alyssa shares her fears, doubts and rollercoaster faith experience in this vulnerable and beautiful story.
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Welcome to Filling the Gap. An audio podcast that tells the stories of the gaps we see in the world, within ourselves and inside of our church. Filling the Gap explores the topics and issues we face every day, but don’t always address or talk about. Through the power of storytelling, we hope to fill the gaps in the communities we find ourselves in.
Filling the Gap is produced and copyrighted (© 2019) by the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists ( Music in this episode is courtesy of Echoes by Alex Arcoleo, Tired Thoughts by Ketsa, Clair de Lune by Podington Bear, Bloom by Alex Arcoleo, Lung by Paul Ressel and Sue Verran, Smooth Operator by Josh Oliver, Hardwood Lullaby by Blue Dot Sessions, In The End They Parted by Fjodor Music, Mangata by Jon Luc Hefferman, Make it Black by Ketsa.