"Financial Fitness” is our new podcast, delivered in a series format, to address different aspects of finance. Our team always says that our profession is an Art, not a Science. There is no “One Way” to pick a stock or save for retirement or even spend happily and without consternation in retirement. So we have decided to bring a financial platform to you. We will be interviewing experts in different fields that at varying stages of your life become relevant and incredibly important. Our experts will include Attorneys, Accountants, Asset Managers, Actuaries, etc. that all have something important to say and we are happy to provide this platform to deliver their advice to you.
Find our team at:
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This broadcast contains the current opinions of the host. The opinions are subject to change. The broadcast is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or recommendations. Investors should obtain professional advice before making investment decisions. All investments are subject to risk. This is not a complete analysis of every material fact regarding any company, industry or security. The information has been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable, but cannot guarantee its accuracy. For more information about the companies discussed, please contact 703-668-1300. This broadcast may not be reproduced without expressed permission of Baird. Copyright 2020 Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Member SIPC, all rights reserved.