As we move throughout the year, our moods and opportunities will fluctuate just like the seasons. In this episode, we embrace our inner hippie and think about the metaphor the wheel of the year offers to us.
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Find Big Picture Living: A Guide to Finding Fulfillment (Even When Everything Sucks) at these fine retailers:
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All other books mentioned in the Finding Fulfillment Podcast can be found here.
The Finding Fulfillment podcast is brought to you by Self-Himprovement. Whether you're aspiring to something grand or just wanting to be a bit happier in your daily life, we create content for you. At Self-Himprovement, our main goal is to build a community of empowered, motivated folks who are actively building the life they've always dreamt of having. We believe that everybody is the authority on their own lives and that it's within their reach to live each day fulfilled, contented, and driving impact in their communities. We're just here to help you out and give you a boost of energy as you go about making the world a better place.
While our audience is predominately male and we primarily write about issues affecting masc-identifying folks, we also think that our content is right for, well, anybody. Regardless of what you were assigned at birth or labels you use/ don't use– you're welcome here!
We fully recognize that we have room to improve and can do more to showcase even more voices and experiences, and that's something we're actively working on. In particular, we're working hard to build up enough revenue to pay more trans voices, nonbinary voices, and BIPOC voices to contribute to our platform.
In addition to creating content at Self-Himprovement, the podcast host, Blake Reichenbach also provides coaching and SEO consulting services, which you can read about at Blake is a certified coach through ACA Coach Academies and is currently completing his ISSA Personal Training Certification. Outside of coaching and training, he works in the SaaS industry as a search optimization expert. In his downtime, you can probably find him at the gym, playing with his rescued pit bulls, or frolicking through nature.