Rabbi Mark Borovitz is the Rabbi at Beit T'Shuvah, a residential treatment facility for addiction, based in Los Angeles. Rabbi Mark has been featured in articles in the Los Angeles Times, Moment Magazine, Jewish Journal, and the Wall Street Journal. In 2004, Rabbi Mark was one of seven people invited to a round table discussion with President George W. Bush about faith and recovery.
His biography, The Holy Thief: A Conman’s Journey from Darkness to Light (Harper Collins), tells the story of his life from hopelessness to redemption, for which the rights were recently optioned. He also recently released his newest book, Finding Recovery and Yourself in Torah: A Daily Spiritual Path to Wholeness (Jewish Lights Publishing).
We sit down to discuss his journey from being a felon to a spiritual leader, the brokenness of humanity, the role of religion and text in our lives, and the path out of our own personal darkness.