Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding your Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve. This is episode 3 of Season 3, and today is Thursday, September 08, 2022, and today we are discussing redefining success.
In the age of 24-hour delivery of anything, everything on demand, and everything is done remotely, it is easy to imagine that we should be able to ‘Have It All’. Indeed, we have all the technology, knowledge, money, and other resources to make most human desires possible. We spend a small fraction of time on mundane administrative tasks and housework compared to generations before. We can access education and entertainment on any topic immediately and essentially free. We can communicate face-to-face in real-time with friends or strangers regardless of where in the world they are.
And yet, we suffer more loneliness, anxiety, and depression than people at any other time in history. These startling indicators suggest that today’s affluence and abundance are not increasing our life satisfaction.
But why, why in a world where we can order anything we want can we not find the one thing that eludes many of us? True Happiness.