"When you look at your life, realizing deep down, that is another way to live, and you make a decision that today is the day that you start to do things differently, that decision can transform your world."
Kate Hepburn, Lifestyle Transformation Coach
Episode 1
The start of the journey...
Join me as I share insights into where it all began, the hot mess I got myself into, and key insights, realizations and the discovery of a way out from under the cloud of overwhelm.
My name is Kate and I am here to help you simplify – everything and navigate this distracting, all too busy world, helping you turn down the noise and embrace a life of clarity, calm and purpose.
Having experienced immense overwhelm, I made it my mission to find a way out, to find a new way to live - to simplify, make space for change and discover the tools I needed to simplify, and do less while still pursuing the things that were important to me. I now use my experience and my training to help others do the same. I share insights, and inspiration and I’ll teach you tried and true skills to help you cut out the noise and focus on what is truly important and beneficial, aligning your time with your purpose, one small and simple step at a time.
I’ll be sharing all things simplification and sakeenah in my life, from food, clothing and decluttering to simplifying business, faith-based personal development, inspirational Islamic gems and everything in between so grab a cup of tea, pull up a seat, get comfy, and take my hand…
This is the Finding Sakeenah Podcast – a journey to tranquility through simplicity.
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