What is “Known” and how does it relate to the IndieWeb? What is the difference between the Known software and the Withknown hosted platform? How do these compare to the new Ello social network? And what value are any of these to communicators?
In this second episode of “FIR On Technology”, recorded on October 1, 2014, Dan York and Shel Holtz discuss all these questions, plus the value of owning your own content, the meaning of “POSSE” and perspectives on the various tools being discussed.
UPDATE: In the show, I mentioned that the self-hosted version of Known did NOT come with social media integration. This turns out to NOT be true. Ben Werdmuller from Known clarified that my experience had to do with the fact that I had installed Known directly from the Github repository. If I had used the “Download Known” button on the Known Developers page, I would have downloaded a complete version, including social media integration tools. With using the bare bones version directly from the Github repository, I still could have installed the social media integration tools, but I just needed to download and install them as separate plugins. I appreciate Ben’s reply and clarification. —Dan
Along the way, Dan and Shel discussed a wide range of links, including news stories and articles about the IndieWeb:
This Week In Google Episode 266GigaOm: Don’t like Facebook owning and controlling your content? Use tools that support the open WebDan Gillmor: Why the Indie Web movement is so importantArsTechnica: Tim Berners-Lee: We need to re-decentralize the WebFred Wilson: The Personal BlogMore details about the IndieWeb:
http://indiewebcamp.com/http://indiewebcamp.com/Principleshttp://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Startedhttp://indiewebcamp.com/Projectshttp://indiewebcamp.com/POSSEhttp://webmention.org/Discussion about “Known” as an instance of the “IndieWeb”:
GigaOm: IndieWeb advocates launch Known so bloggers can be social and still control their contentDisruptive Conversations: The Importance of The ‘Known’ Publishing Platform And The Rise Of The Indie Webhttp://withknown.com/http://withknown.com/developers/https://github.com/idno/idnoExamples of hosted Known sites:
http://danyork.withknown.com/http://shelholtz.withknown.com/http://nevillehobson.withknown.com/http://leoville.withknown.com/The post #2 – Known And The IndieWeb appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.