Our greatest privilege in this life is to raise up godly children to sent in to the next generation.
1) Be a Trainer Show them the path we are supposed to be walking... that expects you to be walking it not just sending the children to heaven
2) Be a Strainer Be willing to restrain the evils from this world and keep the trash out... that means out of your mind and heart first and then theirs
3) Be a Sustainer Take care of your family, support them and straighten them as arrows that you want to shoot into the future
4) Don't be an Entertainer Your job is not to be chief clown and party planner... you are their Father and then you get to do the fun stuff as a Dad
5) Don't be an Explainer Never be that "helicopter" parent that leaps to the rescue to undo the consequences of the child's misbehavior... sometimes consequences are the most successful teacher
Being a dad is not something we do in our spare time. it is our primary responsibility before God. Only the Lord and our spouse deserves more of our love and attention. The children we are given by the Lord are the arrows we will send into the future. We have no greater job to do.