Expectations can be what gives you an edge, or they can be the limiting factor to achieving your goals. Here is something to consider, are you creating your expectations based on your own reality and experiences? Or are you constructing your expectations around other's experiences and rhetoric?
I've found, especially in the world of exercise and fitness, that our expectations of results, time, ability, etc. are not based in reality or the real world for the individual.
Why is that? As humans we're wired and attracted to the immediate reward for our efforts. We also have to consider how emotional we are and how those emotions weave into our decisions and expectations.
Exercise exposes all of these fallacies, as it requires daily sessions of hard work, intention, focus, and dedication with no sight of physical changes. However, is the physical change really the reward we're hoping for? Or is there something deeper that will keep us coming back for more, while the results happen in the background when no one (including ourselves) are noticing.
I hope you enjoy my 20-minute thought on the topic! As always, thank you for your time and attention.