Episode 77: Five Easy Things a Business Can Do to Be a Force for Good
About Sheryl Guarniero: Earth Mama. Green Consultant. At 31 I died and had to be revived.
I’d had two grand mal seizures and I went into cardiac arrest. To say this was unexpected is an understatement. I never really got clear answers from the doctors as to why this happened, yet deep down I knew it was because I was spending my days strung out and stressed out from work.
This was a HUGE wake up call to start living in a way that was more sustainable and only diving into projects that gave me that “HELL YES!” feeling. I took a step back from my business to take stock on what really mattered.
Deep down I knew I was meant to use my skills to save us and protect this beautiful planet. Back in 1993, when I was 10 years old I was already recycling! I realized it was time to step into the big legacy I was meant to live and truly believed in: to nurture a healthy connection between business and the planet.
Website: Green Her Earth
Instagram Profile - Sheryl
LinkedIn Profile - Sheryl
This episode is made possible by support from: Chuck’s Fine Wines, 23 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls, 44022, 440.247.7534. Chuck’s Fine Wines, https://chucksfinewines.com/
Thank you to my fabulous podcast producer Gheramy Demery, Golden Ox Studios Golden Ox Studio, https://goldenoxstudio.com/
Thank you to my amazing graphic designer who is the queen of logo design and created the logo for this podcast, Amber Albergottie, [email protected]
Thank you to Zachary Albergottie for the intro/outro music, [email protected]