January is the month of the Ox in the Chinese calendar and the last month of 2021. The Ox can be stubborn, profoundly individual, and psychic. It's quite a combo. And, we are in an Ox year; it's a double-whammy this month. Are you feeling a heightened awareness?
Change is in the air with THREE TIGERS!!!
2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. 2022 is a double Water Tiger in the month and year and then another Tiger in the hour-pillar.
February is the month of the Tiger, and February launches the New Year in the Chinese Calendar. The Tiger is the Wood Element. Yang Wood is about action, direction, forward movement, growth, vision, seeing your path, making decisions, the birthing process, hope and more.
Wood Element is a 3x energy for 2022. Everyone will be moving through change, and the birthing process. However, the chicken must fight its way out of the egg or not. Effort, struggle, and then birth. The caterpillar to the butterfly.
And right now, you may feel you are in the birth canal and constricted. If you do, you are in alignment with the energy moving in.
No change is not in the realm of possibility.
Not changing is not an option.
It is not possible to have much stay the same.
HAHA, I am writing a double negative three times to drill it home. CHANGE is here! YAY! Take part and embrace it.
Wood always reaches up, grows, and out with its branches or blossoms and roots down into the earth.
And, with this upcoming power of Wood entering 2022, the 24-year Period 9 begins. 2022-2027 are years with powerful energy to seize. Carpe Diem.
Initially, I planned a three-day workshop, to help you figure out what is coming for 2022 PLUS the next six years but who wants to spend three days learning?! I know, I get it. Just give you the details to go out and make change in your being and world! √ I hear you!
Private sessions are the way to go to give you what you need to seize your opportunities. There are special stars, energies, advantages for each person individually based on this powerful time.
I will provide a detailed list and recording of everything you personally need to know during 2022 and the next six Period 9 years. Private sessions will begin on February 4th. The "unique special" still stands with a combo Academy-Period 9-opportunity: https://www.paulinekehoe.com/page/9nXnA
A reminder that there are complimentary collective healing sessions twice weekly on the Telegram Channel: https://t.me/fiveelementalchemy
Wednesdays at 7pm Central and Saturdays at 11am Central.
New videos on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1253672
Be good to yourself. Change is afoot!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/paulinekehoe/message