In the beginning of November, as I was still figuring out Youtube, Instagram, and Podcasting, Christina agreed to be a guest of mine. This is back before I realized in person interviews was the only way to go. Lucky for me she was on FIRE! I love this podcast because Christina aka Christina All Day was a young reporter who had the rude awakening that doing what she loved didn’t necessarily mean that she was going to make lots of money.
The hustle and grind of reporting ultimately would lay the foundation for her starting her own business in an effort to solve one simple problem: She wasn’t operating on her own terms. Family time, fun, and efficiency were all buried under trying to balance her unpredictable work schedule along with her husband’s.
Media Maven, Christina’s agency, is thriving and those problems are an afterthought because she turned her expertise of the industry into a way to help others. The byproduct? A greater sense of freedom, building a great team, happy clients, and still getting to do some reporting!
What you’ll hear:
-Why the TV reporting doesn’t pay so well
-What life was like in the Bronx
-Why she reports
-The importance of a coach
-The early challenges of entrepreneurship
-Work vs Family - does anybody win?
-Social Media and Personal branding tips