So this is a topic that I think about often when it comes to relationships. It really fascinates me as to what is instinctual for us humans. Is there a right or wrong way? Or is there many ways we can do it in life, where every way is going to have its pros and cons? I think at the end of the day it all depends where you are mentally in your life, what your mood is in the moment, and what your morals are in a specific point in your life. I just want to be a vessel to expand ones mind, allow one to realize that there does not need to be these rules in your mind and to just do whatever you want (responsibly) in the moment. We only have one life so make it worth while, do the things you have always wanted to experience, fuck up, fail, have an open mind, be curious, and just learn along the way to be the best version of yourself. Once you realize that you can quite literally do anything you want in this life, genuinely, trust me you will start having a lot more fun, life will feel euphoric if you will.