if your dreams are from God, why aren't you sprinting into them?
don't let other people tell you what your heart is saying. they don't know and sometimes you don't even know. do your best to hear God's voice and follow it. when you hear God, when you feel your heart move in a direction, go fully after it. we all have our own themes in life, we are all the main character of our story, will yours end like the movies? talking about struggles with family in this one, not much, but getting some words out there on the subject. we all have the conflict of the story, how will you overcome yours? i'm really excited for the future and for the dreams i can see forming into reality in my life. at the same time i'm trying to figure out what my real goals are and asking "will they ever satisfy"?
i hate when kids, children, say no. it feels so unnatural. people say it's super natural, but i think adults say it so much that the children hear it most and begin speaking it early. i never listened to the "no". i'm stubborn and so far it's led to a lot of success. i'm so glad i stuck to my heart. i haven't been perfect and it hasn't been, but where i am right now, proves my heart/the spirit of God to be right in my life.