We here at F'N Wrassling fancy ourselves something of real deal wrestling fans! Hell, we started a podcast because of how much we F'N love professional wrestling... But on the team's journey to rank, rave, review and rant we meet others whose passion for this theatrical spectator sport matches and sometimes surpasses our own! Well our dear listeners, this is one of those episodes, please allow us to introduce you to Al Ruddick, Wrestling's Biggest Mark! When it comes to all things action figures, replica wrestling belts and every other type of pro wrestling merchandise Al is the main man! And the Dude was awesome enough to tag up with the show and tell us about the world of wrestling memorabilia! What got him into wrestling, how long he's been collecting, and the surprisingly short amount of time it took him to build it all up! Al even shares with the show his stories of how Professional Wrestling saved his life. What really sets Al above and beyond your average wrestling mark to being the BIGGEST is his spot on wrestling cosplays he takes to conventions! From the titans for yesteryear to the champions of the current age, wrestling hasn’t invented a character that Al Ruddick can’t copy to a perfect T. Al’s Macho Man is unbelievable and the painstaking detail he puts into every single look will leave jaws on the floor, they are that F’N awesome! Al delves into what inspired this ever growing collection of cosplays. And gives F’N Wrassling the exclusives that he is stepping into the world of professional wrestling himself as he takes on manager duties of the soon-to-be threat to the world, Jaxson Payne!!!!! Tune to this special episode of F’N Wrassling and meet the Biggest Mark in all of Professional Wrestling!!!