I interview former track athlete, Ian Philbrick. He ran cross country and track at the University at Minnesota at Morris.
Events: 8k in Cross Country and 5k in track
Memorable Times:
15.53 (15 minutes and 53 seconds) 5k time in April of 2010 at the University of Wisconsin- River Falls. This was my fastest 5k time and this came in my junior year of track. I really hoped to break 15.30 my senior year, but I got injured before the season started and never really had a chance.
27.18 (27 minutes, 18 seconds) 8k time in November of 2010 at the NCAA Regionals at Wartburg College in Iowa. This race was memorable because it was my last cross country race of my college career and it was also my fastest. (One of my goals was to be continually improving, so going out with my fastest race was pretty fun.)
Fun Fact: I never ran Cross Country until my sophomore year in college.
Last Race I Ran: The Great Lakes Bay Half-Marathon on May 19th, 2013.