On this episode of Following Jesus with Christ Church, pastors Andrew Vandermaas and Addison Hawkins discuss the recent events that have sparked some racial tensions. Join us as we dialogue about the pain that is there, the gospel invitation and some resources to aid us in our journey of listening and learning.
Christ Church has to contemplate how it enters into this narrative and story. We can not sit on the sidelines during such a time as this. So what do we do? We begin by lamenting and praying, two actions we will continue to do as long as it is warranted. But what next? Many of you have asked a similar question, what should/will the church do? Lets explore this together and seek out the Lord as we enter into this narrative.
Below you will find a list of resources Andrew & Addison compiled. Each of these resources has a strength. There is not one, except the Bible, great resource for this issue (or any other issue.) We recommend that you take a few of these and spend some time working through them. It's always better to read with others, consider starting a reading/listening/watching club with some of these resources. This is just a snippet, not exhaustive list of resources for your consideration.
Rev. Kevin Smith -- the Witness of UnityRev. Kevin Smith -- For the Sake of the GospelScene on Radio Podcast - 14 Episode series called “Seeing White”Shorter Reads/Articles & Papers:
Report on Racial and Ethnic ReconciliationRuss Whitfield article mentioned by Andrew in the showThe Gospel and the pursuit of Justice in your CityCultural Intelligence -- David LivermoreDynamic Diversity -- Bruce MilneThe Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism -- Jemar TisbyA City within A City: The Black Freedom Struggle in Grand Rapids -- Todd E. RobinsonThe Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity -- Soong-Chan RahUnreached: Growing Churches in Working-class and Deprived Areas --Tim ChesterUrban Apologetics: Answering Challenges to Faith for Urban Believers -- Christopher BrooksAfrican American Urban History Since WWII (Historical Studies of Urban America) -- Kenneth L. Kusmer & Joe W. Trotter Just Mercy (Currently free to watch on many streaming platforms)The Pruitt-Igoe MythSelma12 Years a SlaveThe Birth of a NationThere are many more resources out there, this is just a sample of some to help guide you through this time.
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