For Love Of Code Episode #9 - Contractor: To be or Not to be
Chris and Tim talk about current news like the Apple WWDC 2020 version, the latest version of Angular is out,
and Amazons latest offering trying to put us out of business with Honeycode. The main topic is
about the joys and pains of being a contractor. The upside and downside of being a fulltime employee
and maybe as a business, is ok to hire contractors?
0:36 Tim is growning hair
1:50 Dusty skies are upon us
8:12 AWS Honeycode building apps without programming
12:24 Angular 10 released
15:35 Github super linter
21:13 Fear driven development
30:47 Pros of being a contractor
36:46 Pros of being an employee
41:35 Downsides of being an employee
48:05 Downsides of being a contractor
52:01 Fixed cost vs Time and materials
57:34 Why hire a contractor
1:03:35 Cons of hiring a contractor
Massive Saharan Dust Cloud Is Moving Across The US Turning Skies Strange Colors
2020 Worldwide Developers Conference
AWS launches Amazon Honeycode, a no-code mobile and web app builder
Version 10 of Angular Now Available
Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all
#ForLoveOfCode #Prime3Software