It’s hard to say where true inspiration comes from. In comedy, inspiration comes from laughing at unfortunate and uncomfortable circumstances in life. But in today’s society, inspiration thrives behind the guise of success. Follow this step and you too will have success.
Having a “rags to riches” tale will never come for many. Success is subjective but in pop culture, affluence and social influence are the determining factors. In real life, inspiration comes from empathy. Empathy is feeling a deep connection that someone else feels and understands the pain and struggle you feel. In loneliness, a person who empathizes with the self-hatred, resentment and perseverance makes more of a difference than any dollar or social status.
Inspiration is about a helping hand, stretched out to those who are deep in a valley. The result could be a smile for the first time in 10 years or having a relationship that brings peace and tranquility for the first time in life. Inspiration towards material fulfillment rarely brings happiness in loneliness
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