This month features Dynasty Warriors 9, Celeste, Moss and Drunkn Bar Fight. And rumors of the PlayStation 5 dev kits going out to third-party developers.
This month’s show features Cory and Basher talking about just how broken Dynasty Warriors 9 is.
Chris tried to conquer Celeste on the Nintendo Switch.
Cory and Chris played some Moss and Drunkn Barfight on PSVR. And believe it or not…Chris liked his time in VR!
Dragon Ball Fighterz comes up in conversation and the crew is split so far on the mechanics. But they all seem to be in love with the hand-drawn art and animations.
PlayStation 5 dev kits appear to be going out, and the crew talks about how they think it is too soon for Next Gen. As well as what this means for the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X
Call of Duty Black Ops IIII was also confirmed by Activision. Confusion of tally marks ensues.
Battlefield 5 appears to be going to World War II which is kind of boring in the crew’s opinion.
Finally, The Division 2 was confirmed and Cory and Basher debate what they want to see out of a sequel and why the original failed to stick the landing in many ways.
As always thanks to our subscribers and don’t forget to check out our new Youtube channel for even more content.