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It's important to encourage young children in Sikhi but sometimes it isn't done in a good way. What are your views on this topic?
Things have changed a lot over time and I'm just so surprised. Let me know what your views are on this situation.
Domestic abuse is never right and no one should ever tolerate it. You want any help? Please contact me or google search and you should find the answers you need. Please don't ever take domestic abuse, you don't deserve it no one does and nor are you at fault or guilt. Always remember that.
When our mental health isn't well the rest of us doesn't do that well. It is so important to look after your emotional wellbeing. This podcast looks at the stigma of mental health, my own experiences and how to cope or should I say live!
Matrimony. Sometimes we all have to bite the bullet and get married but how easy is it to get married being an Amritdhari Kaur? I'll tell you all about my experiences. Tell me if you have also had awful experiences because this is not something nice having bad experiences but hey it is life and the age of Kalyug.
Hello Hello! This is the first podcast from Forever Kaurs and it is a super sensitive topic but one that is very important. Being a Sikh and growing up not knowing anything about mental health was tough, especially when I experienced a lot of issues. To deal with these issues I turned to things I can't even have imagined doing but I'm not ashamed as I've grown.
The podcast currently has 6 episodes available.