What is the story you tell yourself? When you look back at your history are you drawn to the triumphs, love, and abundance? Or, is your energy magnetically drawn to how you were wronged, the bad choices, lack, and dark struggles? What is your current narrative? Is it the song of growth or the dirge of permanent scars?
JoAnna Davis came from dysfunctionality. Lived a life of addiction and sex work. Became a pastor, author, and founder of Foundational Stones providing transitional housing for women ex-offenders. Her life is a shining example of the story you tell yourself. Instead of self recrimination JoAnna pulls strength, passion, focus, and possibility from her life journey. She is a beacon lifting up those around her and guiding women with complicated histories to their elevated life.
Join Christine Clark and guest JoAnna Davis for a fascinating discussion. Hear truths to apply to your own history. See that your entire life experience has been processes shaping you. Bringing you to this place and time with the knowledge, skill set, and spirit required to have, be, do anything you desire. This is your empowerment foundation. Your full circle, whole life success, on your terms, awaits.