In light of this week's message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.
1. First, say the first name of someone you personally know that is not currently a Christian. Next, what would you think they would say if you asked them, "Why do you believe you exist?" Try to be as specific as possible. How would they respond if you followed up with a question, "What if there was something even more that you are here for?"
2. In the message, we saw the illustration of the rope and the tape as a perspective of the timeline of your existence. How did that illustration make you feel about what you are focused on?
3. In this Red Letter series, we learned how one of the character traits so powerful about Jesus is that he is invitational. Read, Matthew 4:18-20. For Peter (Simon) and his brother Andrew, how did this invitation "to something more" change their life?
4. The invitation in Matthew 4:19 was to, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." This was a three-part wholistic invitation involving our head, heart, and hands.
a. Head. We all have a choice to make in "Follow me." This is a head choice to who we are following. Are you choosing to follow Jesus? If so, how? If not, why not?
b. Heart. When we choose to follow Jesus, he promises to change our hearts. (Ezekiel 36:26) If you have chosen to follow Jesus, how has your heart been changed by God?
c. Hands. When we choose to follow Jesus, he changes our hearts. When our hearts are changed, it changes our actions (hands) in being "fishers of men." A great way to see if you are following Jesus and being changed by Jesus is to see if you are helping others to Jesus. Who are you walking with to help them know and follow Jesus?
5. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What is this an invitation to do? Who is one person you love in your life that God is leading you to "Go...Make...Baptize... and Teach?"