You don’t have to tell Erika Polmar, St. Louis University, class of 1989, that “we are what we eat.” Her reverence for local food systems has been lifelong. It inspired her Oregon-based farm-dinner series, Plate + Pitchfork, to educate eaters about the people and places that their sustenance originates. And when the pandemic closures devastated restaurants nationwide, she co-founded the Independent Restaurant Coalition, advocating to help secure some $30 billion in rescue funds for her 500,000 trade group members. Solving complex, intertwined social and political puzzles, Polmar often seems to have a lot on her plate. In episode 11 of Formative, we talk about why food mediates our relationship to time; how to get healthy, fresh alternatives to eaters of all economic backgrounds; and if “we are what we eat,” we’re also where we eat.