October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is a disease that affects the lives of thousands of women each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year in the United States, more than 250,000 women get breast cancer, and 42,000 women die from the disease.
Our guest, Janice Workcuff, discusses the important topic. Janice knows all too well this disease; she is a 32-year survivor. In 1988, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her journey to defeating this disease twice inspired her to come up with the motto: "I'm on a mission-not remission."
Janice has since been on a mission to raise women's awareness of this silent killer. She is the executive director of Angels Surviving Cancer, which is a non-profit breast cancer survivorship organization. The organization's sole mission is to enlighten, educate and address the true and everyday obstacles impacting those newly diagnosed. She is also the author of "Road to Restoration through the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer and Walking on by Faith." Janice has received numerous awards for her work in making a difference in the healthcare community.
For more information on Angels Surviving Cancer, visit: https://www.angelssurvivingcancer.net/