Christianity is a way of life that is built upon the sound doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Covered within this chapter are topics of: The Good News of Jesus Christ (the Gospel), Sin, Redemption from Sin, Faith and Belief in Jesus Christ, Faith and Works, the Application of Christ (within a person’s life), Newness of Life in Christ, Judgment, and Eternal Life. The lessons in this chapter discuss the blood of Christ shed on the cross at His death, His burial and His resurrection. God’s plan to redeem fallen man included that His only begotten Son (Jesus - who is the Christ) would become the sacrifice that would appease and replace God’s wrath with His grace; and obtain His promise of eternal life. The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize a new believer with the general understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the topics surrounding salvation (saved from God's wrath) and eternal life.