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By Pastor Guy Conn
11 ratings
The podcast currently has 160 episodes available.
Relationships are either trending up or trending down. Guest speaker, Pastor Brian McKee, talks to us about unity between people and living in line with the truth of the Gospel. With issues of racism, segregation and prejudice, he points out that we can be different and be unified and gives us 4 ways to get involved.
Every relationship is trending - up or down. Honesty is a relational and spiritual megatrend. So, why do we lie? Pastor Guy continues our series #Trending with insights from Acts 5:1-11 and shares with us "the lie of the lie" and ties in the biblical truth of grace and truth.
For Mother's Day weekend, Pastor Guy talks to us about honor. Giving honor is a choice. Honoring someone requires action and blesses the one being honored and the one giving it.
Pastor Rob kicks off our new series #Trending by teaching on the magnitude of gratitude. He talks about how gratitude is God's will for your life and trending up in gratitude can even improve your health!
The fifth awakening we come to on our path to God is realizing that God intends for us to have a full life now, not just when we get to heaven. Pastor Guy finishes teaching from the parable of the Prodigal Son and helps us see that we can experience "life in all it's fullness" now.
Have you ever wished you could have a do-over on life? Pastor Guy comes to the second awakening on our way back to God: Regret. He talks about how regret doesn't have to be a bad thing and can actually be a valuable part of moving closer to God.
In every one of us are soul cravings. We spend the majority of our lives saying, “There’s got to be more…” Pastor Guy explains the first of five awakenings in everyone’s path to God and how we can discover our purpose as followers of Jesus and he gives us a 30-Day Challenge.
Pastor Rob teaches about the importance of Communion, and how we should remember Jesus' sacrifice going into the Easter season.
Jesus said, “Do This In Remembrance of Me.” What exactly should we remember as we participate in communion? Why have believers held either Passover or Communion for nearly 3500 years? Pastor Ken shares the answers to these questions and more as we look at the meaning and significance of communion.
Sometimes we drift away from important relationships in life. Pastor Bill challenges us not to do that with Jesus. Communion is a way for us to remember Him and to come back to Him if that's what we need to do. Because #drifthappens, we need communion.
The podcast currently has 160 episodes available.