Today's guest: Champ Parinya is a hyperdimensional artist and Dzogchen yogi who is the creator of the 5D Awakening Map. His fascination with psychedelic realms and higher states of consciousness led him on a magical journey of spiritual awakening. He currently lives in meditation retreat in Thailand. Instagram: Ascension Knowledge @5D_Awakening_Consciousness Website: On website free download of map. And other interesting stuff on website.
Amazing talk about: Meditation, full disclosure, ufos, good aliens, light body, rainbow body, Buddha mind, pure lands, subtle body energetics, meridians, Tai chi, movement, chi gong, shiatsu, eastern wisdom, yoga, raising earth and people's vibration.. Dzogchen Meditation, Buddha time, Psychedelics, magic mushrooms, Cannabis, dmt, ayahuasca, shamans... 5d, 5th dimension and higher levels, past lives, future lives, Ascension, kundalini, flow of life, kill your TV. Finding Buddhist Teacher Lama, monks, building a knowledge database researching.. Great awakening map he has created, and tapping into source and creating/ manifesting something in this physical world, spiritual downloads, sacred geometry, Alchemy, manifestation. Psychic healing, Emotional body. Plant medicine, Chakras and auras. Krishna. Dharma. Vortex. Third eye, technology. Mind control ET. Astrology. Technology that can see everything. The matrix and more stuff!
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