I want a divorce but Im scared. Should I get divorced or stay married. 5 stages of divorce. If you've been asking these questions lately, then this video is or you! Check out the new Authorized Divorce course for even more in-depth content. www.freedomthroughdivorce.com The Authorized Divorce course walks the student through how to work through and deal with all 5 stages of divorce/5 stages of grief as it pertains to scripture and Christianity. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and then Acceptance... This in no way reflects the vast experiences that each individual person faces when going through a breakup, separation, and divorce, but the biblical content is created to help you maneuver through your individual experience with God on the other side of divorce as a new, whole person. I hope this resonates with women who are feeling lonely, ashamed, guilty, or lost during their own divorce- wherever you are in the process.