Want to know the easy-to-follow steps to become a Lazada seller? Learn more from MJ Gaan, top seller and certified trainer at Lazada.com, as she teaches us her 5 steps to become a Lazada seller.
Online shopping is definitely booming this covid-19 season. I, myself, had been spending a lot ordering online because we’ve been locked down in our house since March, voluntarily self-quarantining to avoid catching the virus.
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I’m sure like me, you buy everything online now. From groceries to raw meat, gadgets, household items, home repair, toys, books, etc. Like most Pinoys, my #1 e-marketplace of choice is, Lazada.
Why? Because almost everything that we need to get is there.
Now for enterpreneurial Pinoys like me, we know that if we want to sell something online, Lazada would be the first most logical option.
Who better to teach us the basics of starting a Lazada store is MJ Gaan, one of the top sellers of Lazada.
She was kind and generous enough to accept my invitation to be interviewed on the show and share with us her 5 steps to become a Lazada seller – the same steps she teaches on her paid course.
Who is MJ Gaan?
MJ Gaan is one of the top sellers and certified trainers of Lazada. Her Lazada stores BDI and FranetaMall, have earned millions of pesos through selling various products and digital services.
Her company BDI, Inc. is also the Pioneer Accredited Service Provider of Lazada Philippines — helping thousands of Lazada Sellers set up, manage and grow their online stores.
Awarded by the 37th People’s Choice Award as the Outstanding Young Lady Entrepreneur, MJ is committed to hard work. At 18 years old, she had to work while studying to support herself and her family and is now she is a self-made entrepreneur because of online selling and e-commerce.
The 5 Steps to Become a Lazada Seller
1. Select and Source Your Product
The first step is to know what product to sell and where to source that product.
Are you making it on your own and you want to explore selling it online on Lazada?
Are you an existing business already? Maybe you have your own brick-and-mortar store and because of covid, you’re forced to sell your stuff online.
Then, just breeze through step 1 and go to the next step.
But what if you don’t have a product or don’t know what to sell?
Ms. MJ Gaan suggests to become a reseller first.
What is reselling?
With product resellership or distributorship, you find a company who makes products (called manufacturers) and you resell or distribute the products for them.