Yesterday, while on a call with one of the women networking session, we talked about productivity, tools, and tips.
So in this episode, number 4 already! I bring you three technology tools you can use to help you to be more productive.
#1 Notifications off
Turn off all the notifications in your mobile and laptop/desktop computer, sound and visual notifications while working.
#2 Use OneTab in your browser
Keep your browser tidy and less distractive using a Chrome or Firefox extension called OneTab.
You can organise these save tabs in groups and rename the group as the project name.
#3 Keep your ideas
Using Google Keep to keep ideas, things you need to do later, tasks that come to your mind while working. In that way, you will remember them and be out of your mind so they won't distract you ;-)
Tools I mention in the episode:
OneTab Chrome Extension ->
OneTab Firefox Extension ->
Similar to OneTab for Safari - Tabs Saver ->