In this episode, I went into detail debunking Yasir Qadhi and Hamza Yusuf’s apologetics on the age of Aisha. Both of these men are highly regarded sheikhs in the Muslim community and their arguments are usually used by Muslims.
Although both Hamza Yusuf and Yasir Qadhi agreed that in the present-day child marriages are harmful and must be banned, they both found twisted and contorted ways to excuse Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad. They argued that child marriages were the norm back then although there are no other companions who had wives that young. They also tried to recycle some of the usual ridiculous arguments that Muslims use to justify Muhammad’s actions.
I also took comments and questions from the audience on this issue. This was a very insightful and interactive episode. I invite you to take a listen.
YouTube version of this podcast:
1:20 Are people leaving Islam because of the Islamic teachings or because of bad treatment at the hands of Muslims or other reasons?
7:55 Discretion of Ahmadiyya graves y police in Pakistan
9:20 Aisha’s age and the Sharma controversy.
13:46 The impact of child marriage on the victim and why we should all fight child marriages.
23:00 Islam is not the ONLY reason for child marriages
26:40 Reacting to Yasir Qadhi’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad.
34:20 Hadith – Aisha playing with dolls and other children.
35:30 Reacting to Yasir Qadhi’s take on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad – Was this an ideal situation for Aisha?
46:28 Why do Muslims revere Muhammad so much when they are the same people responsible for wiping out his whole family?
48:20 Hadith – Muhammad’s dreams about Aisha and Abu Bakr’s reaction
51:25 Why is it only Muhammad and not his companions married a wife that young?
52:44 Reacting to Yasir Qadhi’s take on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad – People matured faster in the old days?
58:36 Comments from the live chat – Why not have a live debate with Yasir Qadhi instead of reacting to his videos?
1:05:23 Reacting to Yasir Qadhi’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad – was Aisha’s marriage a happy marriage?
1:17:00 Comments from the live chat.
1:21:25 Reacting to Hamza Yusaf’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad – was it customary or religious?
1:27:17 Alternative views on Aisha’s age and child marriage in the Quran – chapter on divorcing immature girls.
1:33:24 Reacting to Hamza Yusaf’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad – were the companions extraordinary men?
1:48:40 How did Abdullah justify all the stuff in Islam when he was a Muslim
1:51:10 Technical issues – no audio.
1:52:34 Is it safe for children to have sex before they are mature or physically ready?
1:55:00 Comments from the live chat.
1:57:55 Reacting to Hamza Yusaf’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad
2:00:00 Comments from the live chat
2:02:12 Reacting to Hamza Yusaf’s apologetics on Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad
2:10:08 Comments from the live chats
2:11:36 Saudi Children left behind and other contemporary news.