We live in a culture that breeds envy and jealousy thanks to social media. In a world where we are constantly exposed to what others have or are doing, it’s so easy to get caught in the envy trap and the “I wish I had what they have” downward spiral. So let’s talk about that. And let’s also talk about how none of what we see is actually the entire story. Because friend, you may think you don’t have enough, you may think you aren’t enough, but we promise you, you are. But don’t take that from us. Take it from God.
So, you know what to do. Grab your coffee, tea or wine and come hang with us as we chat from home to home.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram @fromhometohomepodcast and “like” our page on Facebook under the same name!
If you want to read Rachael’s latest blog, “Their Life isn’t as Pretty as that Filter, Friend” you can check it out on her website at www.livingnowessentials.com